Silver Springs Parkway Final Subsequent EIR Certified by El Dorado County.
August 2nd, 2016.
Benchmark Resources assisted the El Dorado County (County) Transportation Division with an environmental review of the Silver Springs Parkway to Bass Lake Road (South Segment) project, culminating in the preparation of a final subsequent environmental impact report (SEIR) that was certified by the County Board of Supervisors on August 2, 2016. Benchmark Resources provided strategies for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance, public outreach, analysis, document preparation, and hearings support services to the County. The Silver Springs Parkway segment evaluated in the SEIR will provide an important new regional road connection in the County, consistent with development commitments and the County General Plan Circulation Element. The SEIR was necessary to update the previously certified Bass Lake Road Realignment Project EIR, and the process proved beneficial in creating opportunities for public involvement that achieved widespread community support. The Benchmark Resources team prepared traffic, noise, air quality, hydrology/water quality, and biological resources impacts analyses; reviewed the project against the goals and policies of the County General Plan, and prepared a SEIR that clearly documented project impacts and feasible mitigation strategies for the project. Benchmark Resources supported County staff in preparing CEQA findings and a presentation to the County Board of Supervisors and assisted County Transportation Division management in presenting the SEIR and the project to the County Board of Supervisors for certification and approval.
For more information about this project or the environmental review services offered by Benchmark Resources, please contact Bob Delp at (916) 983-3016 orĀ