
Benchmark Resources founders have worked in the industry since the first decade of NEPA and CEQA laws (and the suite of clean air, water, and waste management laws that followed) changed how decisions about California land uses are made. At Benchmark Resources, we recognize that the livability of a community depends on services and resources that often pose challenging land use decisions. Society needs sewer services, solid waste disposal, water storage and distribution, a power and fuel transportation network, and mineral resources to build and maintain infrastructure.

We have facilitated approvals for a multitude of projects, ranging from cell towers and upgraded airport lodging to urban uses such as shopping malls, auto centers, and destination resorts.

While Benchmark Resources’ staff has long-term experience in a broad range of projects, the company is especially adept at resolving uncommon land use issues where environmental resources are at risk and baseline data is sparse. Our particular expertise is in mineral resource projects, which are often located in stream channels or at the urban-rural interface, with tough environmental and public debate to be resolved. Thus, we have expertise in balancing the competing issues to make available the materials essential to our society.

Because any project requiring government land use approval necessitates a cooperative interaction between the project proponent and the permitting agencies, Benchmark Resources is contracted by both the public and private sectors to accomplish project goals.

We understand the needs of public agency decision makers and have served more than 60 agencies statewide. Our project and environmental review documentation is prepared in an impartial manner that focuses on the issues and solutions.

We work with businesses to develop the most environmentally responsible proposals that will have the best likelihood of permitting success. We represent the project in a professional manner, developing the technical, legal, and political data that gives confidence to the decision makers.

Benchmark Resources has offices in Folsom and Oakland, California, and is certified as a California small business and an Alameda County small, local and emerging business (SLEB).