San Emidio Quarry Expansion Project Final EIR Certified by Kern County.
October 15, 2016.
Benchmark Resources assisted Kern County with an environmental review of the San Emidio Quarry Expansion Project, culminating in the preparation of a final environmental impact report (EIR). Benchmark Resources assisted the County with all aspects of environmental review for the project, including peer review of application documents and preparation of a detailed initial study checklist, the draft and final EIRs, and the California Environmental Quality Act findings and statement of overriding considerations in support of County hearings. The San Emidio Quarry Expansion Project evaluated in the EIR provides for the expansion of an existing surface mine operated by Vulcan Materials Company in unincorporated Kern County. The project provides for surface mining on more than 4,000 acres over the life of the project and production of up to 5 million tons of aggregate products each year.
For more information about this project or the environmental review services offered by Benchmark Resources, please contact Bob Delp at (916) 983-3016 or