Moody Flats Quarry Draft EIR Released for Public Review
December 29th, 2014
Shasta County has released the long-awaited draft environmental impact report (EIR) for the Moody Flats Quarry project. Moody Flats Quarry, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of 3M Corporation, proposes a hard-rock quarry that would include an aggregate processing facility, asphalt batch plant, ready-mix plant, and recycled materials plant. Up to 2 million tons per year of material would be mined and distributed for 100 years. Uniquely, this project would include loading materials directly to a rail spur to the Union Pacific Railroad main line, providing 3M access to most major northern California markets while reducing on-road traffic and greenhouse gas emissions.
Benchmark Resources assisted 3M with the mine design, application development, and review of the EIR. Benchmark developed a mine design that maximizes access to the resource while considering the environment, such as the Shasta Lake watershed and the quarry’s distance from surrounding residences. Benchmark Resources prepared the application package with the aim of facilitating the Shasta County’s environmental review; therefore, the package included a project description detailed enough for a California Environmental Quality Act document, 13 technical studies, and initial environmental impact assessments that recommended mitigation to avoid or reduce environmental impacts. Benchmark Resources is also reviewing public comments on the draft EIR and assisting 3M with their outreach to agencies, members of the community, and Shasta County decision makers. For more information about this project or the services provided, please contact Andrew White at (916) 984-6303.