Austin Quarry Project Final EIR Certified by Madera County.
October 12th, 2016.
The Madera County (County) Board of Supervisors approved and certified the final environmental impact report (EIR) for the Austin Quarry Project after a 6-year environmental review process. The review process consisted of substantial refinements to the project to address community and lead agency concerns. At more than 10,000 pages, this final EIR is one of the most extensive and detailed EIRs ever prepared for a mining project. Under contract to the County, Benchmark Resources led the environmental review process, which included initial application review, peer review of technical studies, analyses and mitigation development and documentation, public scoping and agency outreach, and support to County staff during County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisor hearings.
For more information about this project or the environmental review services offered by Benchmark Resources, please contact Bob Delp at (916) 983-3016 or